Showing 27 Result(s)

Peanut Butter Granola Surprise

If you thought the Protein Powered Peanut Butter Granola I posted last week would be too rich for your palate, this recipe might be just what you’re looking for. It is high in protein but does not have added sugar or honey. Unlike most of the recipes I’ve tried, this scrumptious granola forms crunchy-chewy clumps for …

Banana Nut Biscotti

I was skeptical about these at first, and my fears were somewhat well founded. Don’t get me wrong; I typically love banana-nut combos in baked goods. The problem is that bananas not only add sweetness and flavor but also moisture to such treats. Muffins, quick breads and cakes should be moist; biscotti shouldn’t. Of course, …

Banana Chocolate Chip Snack Bread

I have loved banana bread since I was a kid, and when our bananas ripen to only-good-for-baking condition, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. Given the typical one-hour minimum prep and bake time, I don’t always feel like making it. This bread machine recipe helps put aging bananas to good use without requiring …

Amazing Banana Nut Scones

This recipe is the result of combining a great-tasting, high-fat scone with a decent-tasting, good-for-you scone. The result is, fortunately, a great-tasting scone that is high in nutrients and low in fat and calories. The primary nutritional benefits come from the bran, whole wheat flour and bananas, boosted by some protein from the milk and …

Decadent Double Chocolate Banana Muffins

Wow! I just made these, and they are incredible. (Can you say that about a newly-created recipe without sounding immodest? I figure it’s OK ’cause it’s not about me; it’s about the food.) The decadence has more to do with taste than ingredients, for these are more nutritious than you might think. I started with …

Double Chocolate Banana Nut Cookies

I usually refer to one or two—if not several—other recipes when creating and “test driving” my own concoctions. These cookies are unusual, though, for I haven’t seen anything like them elsewhere. Google searches brought up several oatmeal banana chocolate chip recipes, but none with cocoa. This recipe is based more upon a traditional chocolate chip …

Peanut Butter Banana Oat Bread

Our son insists he doesn’t like peanut butter, but he really enjoys this bread. Sliced, toasted, and lightly buttered, it delivers a nice dose of fruit and protein for breakfast. For a tasty afternoon snack, substitute chocolate chips for the dried cranberries. Peanut Butter Banana Oat Bread Adapted from The Bread Machine Cookbook II by …

Banana Apple Nut Bread

Until looking through Olwen Woodier’s Apple Cookbook, it had never occurred to me that I could bake apples into banana bread. As a mom, I loved the idea that I could serve even more fruit to my children by offering another slice of bread at breakfast or snack time. The original recipe is delicious, and I think …