Wheat Berry Breakfast

In most of the recipes I’ve come across, wheat berries are utilized in savory side dishes, including salads and pilafs. They also appear in soups and breads. Wanting to feature them in a sweet breakfast dish, I came up with this recipe. Though little known and barely-used in “mainstream” recipes, hard wheat berries seem to …

Peanut Butter Granola Surprise

If you thought the Protein Powered Peanut Butter Granola I posted last week would be too rich for your palate, this recipe might be just what you’re looking for. It is high in protein but does not have added sugar or honey. Unlike most of the recipes I’ve tried, this scrumptious granola forms crunchy-chewy clumps for …

Hint-of-Apple Raisin Oat Bread

If you have children and a bread machine, this nutritious and easy-to-make breakfast or snack bread may become a household favorite. It rises well and looks fabulous, especially to those who don’t like the appearance of denser, darker whole-grain loaves. Its firm but light texture and raisin-studded slices are reminiscent of the Pepperidge Farm bread …

Banana Nut Biscotti

I was skeptical about these at first, and my fears were somewhat well founded. Don’t get me wrong; I typically love banana-nut combos in baked goods. The problem is that bananas not only add sweetness and flavor but also moisture to such treats. Muffins, quick breads and cakes should be moist; biscotti shouldn’t. Of course, …

Cherry Walnut Bread

Before our youngest son began eating solid foods, this was our go-to morning meal. We revved up the bread machine to bake a loaf at least twice a week. And then came Timmy. If it’s a baked good, he’ll try it. If it contains walnut pieces, it will come back out. We tried a few …

Lenten Fried Rice

Fried rice is a great way to use leftover rice and vegetables. If you make it without meat, it can also be an easy, speedy Friday-night dinner during Lent. The only downside of this recipe is remembering to make extra rice a night or two before. Based upon my own attempt with freshly cooked, I’d …

Irresistible Irish Soda Bread

According to the Society for the Preservation of Irish Soda Bread, the traditional version of this treat contains nothing more than flour, baking soda, salt and milk. Period. Personally, I prefer the slightly sweetened, raisin-studded variations, so that’s what I make. I’ve experimented with a handful of recipes over the years, and this one remains …

St. Patrick’s Day Carbonara

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! The first time I saw a recipe for carbonara I was impressed by its simplicity but a little uneasy about the eggs.* After making a batch, I was sold. Using just a few simple ingredients, it provides a great way to get a one-dish dinner on the table in less than …