Showing 164 Result(s)

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Ice Cream

This is an incredibly rich ice cream, and you don’t have to remember to buy whipping cream or half and half in order to make it. With just a few canned goods you can buy on sale and stock in your pantry year round, you can whip up a batch of this in no time. …

Peanut Butter Crunchies

If you love peanut butter and have a sweet tooth, these candies are definitely for you. They taste, look and feel like some sort of PayDay, Rice Krispies Treat and PowerBar combo. I looked at no fewer than ten recipes for peanut butter balls before coming up with this summer-friendly, keep-in-the-fridge, no-bake treat. I love …

Patriotic Yogurt Pops

These festive frozen treats are adapted from a recent issue of Family Fun magazine. You and your children can make them for the Fourth of July or any other summer day. This recipe is short and sweet, requiring only one main ingredient: yogurt. High in protein and calcium, yogurt is often touted for a variety …

Gourmet Multigrain Haystacks

One reason these cookies—some might say candies—are a great summer treat is because they require no baking. You can whip up a batch in mid-July without heating up your kitchen. As for gourmet, that refers to the chocolate (and obviously not the appearance). You don’t have to use premium chocolate chips for this recipe, but the …

Golden Millet Muffins

Prior to trying the millet muffins in Mollie Katzen’s Sunlight Café, I thought millet was just for birds, literally. We had been buying millet sprays for our lovebirds and cockatiels for ages. I was a little dubious about trying this grain myself, but the muffins were delicious. As an added bonus, it turns out that …

Easy Cranberry Apple Bars

Sweetened primarily with apple juice, these 5-ingredient treats are all natural and packed with fruit, fiber, nuts and flavor. They are easy to mix and bake, and you don’t have to “sacrifice” your favorite homemade granola as a main ingredient. If you have granola to spare, I also recommend the following recipes: Chewy Peanut Butter …

Summer’s Best Blueberry Muffins

Light, nutritious and loaded with summer’s bounty: what a delicious way to start the day! The first time I made these, my 5-year old devoured two of them faster than his father did. Almond meal provides extra flavor and protein, but if you don’t have any, just use more of the multigrain mix instead. Summer’s …

Hint o’ Vanilla Homemade Yogurt

Making yogurt isn’t for the faint of heart. It seems there’s a bit of an art to this enterprise, and what works for some people has rarely worked for me. This adaptation is the first that consistently yields a creamy, mildly tangy and subtly sweet yogurt. Success at last! (I’ve been trying on and off …